"A. I. Alikhanyan national science laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute)" foundation / Technological potential / AANL HOSTS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ARMENIAN MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE (AMIC)
Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (YerFI) hosted the representatives of the Armenian Medical International Committee on July 6th, 2023. AMIC was the organizer of the funding from the Armenian American Medical Society, the Armenian American Medical Association and the Armenian Healthcare Association of the Bay Area to purchase the large volume, industrial strength, cryogen compressor at AANL to help with Armenia’s need for Oxygen and Nitrogen liquid and gas.
The visitors came to see the cryogen compressor station acquired in 2020 with the initiative of the former AANL director, professor Ani Aprahamian. During COVID-19, the need for liquid oxygen at medical facilities dramatically increased in Armenia, and the AANL cryogen station staff was working 24/7 to provide the necessary oxygen supply to hospitals. During this period the AANL reported frequent disruptions in the operation of its old cryogen station. This urged the acquisition of a new cryogen station.
The benefactors attended the plaque unveiling ceremony at the AANL cryogen centre and joined the scientific staff for a reception. The plaque inscription says:
"So that the people of Armenia will never again be short of Oxygen."